Friday, November 19, 2010

Thank You

On behalf of Coach Benjie Barham, we want to thank you for allowing us to have your kids for the last few months. We love each one of them as if they were our own and wish we could have done more for you guys this year. We may be in touch soon to have a final get-together but we will let you know via phone if we put something together. Don't forget that Jerry Brooks has videos for sale if you ever change your mind.

Thanks again!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Be prepared to "dry out" between games. If you want to bring an extra t-shirt for wearing under the pads, or extra socks, then that may be a good idea. We will try to keep the boys in cars between games.


The following Colts will be playing their last game in the Clinton Parks & Rec League:

Barrett Barham (3 year Colt)
Chris Brooks (4 year Colt)
Ryan Goff (4 year Colt)
Ty Irwin (4 year Colt)
Jordyn Leonard (1 year Colt)

Dylan Moudy (2 year Colt)
Kyle Singleton (2 year Colt)

We will miss you, guys!


Reminder: Be at Traceway Office at 6:15 to do walk thrus. We will play again for the championship at 9pm (Clinton High School) when we win. Will be a long night, but it will be done tonight!!!!! See you all then.

PS: Don't forget to yell for us!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday Practice: UPDATE

No practice tonight after all. Parks & Rec has closed their fields due to standing water everywhere. Their words to me today: If you're planning on practicing here, you had better bring a swimsuit.

So, check this site for info on Thursday's game. Sorry!

Monday, November 15, 2010


We will now play our semi-final on THURSDAY instead of tonight. Championship Game (which we plan to be a part of) is still TBD.

I know that the first day of deer season starts on Saturday. But, the championship may be on Saturday morning before lunch. Please make this a priority, OK? It's going to be something you remember forever when we get that far.

So, we MAY PRACTICE AGAIN tomorrow to prepare for Titan Orange. More info will be here for you. Please please please watch this site for updates. It stinks for all of us to be so ready to win and then get a delay. It reminds the coaches of last year. More soon...

Remember This?

Our first day of practice together. We've come a long way since then. Remember this if we play tonight....

Sunday, November 14, 2010


This is the most important game of our season. A win here puts us in the Championship; a goal that we had from our very first practice. Our message to the boys then was simple:

It doesn't matter whether you win all of the regular season games. It only matters that you get better and better; perfect your positions and play the way that you are capable. Then, win the last three games and call yourself champions.

So, please wear your Colts t-shirts (over something warm!) and yell for these boys. Encourage them and cheer like CRAZY when we do something the way that we have practiced. Do that for us and they will respond. I promise.

See you all tomorrow night!

Monday Game

Be at the usual pre-game practice field (Traceway behind our football field) at 6:15pm. Note the new time. Not 6pm, but 6:15pm. PLEASE do not be late, OK? It will be short and sweet and recap the practice we had on Saturday.

See you then!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Sorry, guys, for the late notice of practice time. We will meet at 9:30 on our normal practice field (big baseball field). NOT THE PLACE WE'VE MET THE LAST TWO TIMES!

We are changing our defense for this next game and need everybody there. Also, we will be scripting our first plays for the game, so it's important that we run through everything as a team. This is the biggest game we will play so far ALL YEAR. Win this: Championship Game.

Come to practice in pads and be ready to really get serious. No more of what we did last night; running around and playing. We all look out for each other and want to have fun, but you've put in too much work to NOT take this practice seriously. OK? See you at 9:30am SHARP.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday Recap

Not our best game of the year, right? But, in the end there is only one thing that matters:


Win one more, guys, and all that we've done this year will be worth it! We're proud of the effort you guys have put into this season. Don't quit now, OK? See you Saturday!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Meet at our practice spot from last game (on soccer field beside/behind Traceway office) to get ready for the Braves. If we really get ready and do what we should, then we should be able to get ready for our next game, too. BUT: ONE GAME AT A TIME, COLTS!

6pm. Be there.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Guys, we play on Thursday at 7pm against the Clinton Braves. Let's go out there and get our "swagger" back, OK? We are pretty lucky here to get this chance to keep playing instead of sitting out and getting rusty. I just know that after Thursday's game and Saturday's practice (yes, I said SATURDAY'S PRACTICE), that we will be ready to play the Orange again!

I watched the film and we did pretty good. We just need to fix one or two things and then we are ready to head to the championship!

See you all at the same place we got ready for Monday, OK?

Monday, November 8, 2010


We will NOT meet at the usual practice field for pre-game. We will meet just behind the Traceway Office; the place where you can see both of our game fields. Be there at 6pm.

Kyle's mom will be at the practice field to direct people to the office. Due to daylight savings, we will have no light at the practice field. Be ready to get going when you get there. It may get a bit cold tonight, so be prepared. We should win tonight if we do the things we know to do. We will go over those at 6pm. See you there!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday Practice

We're still on for tonight in pads. 6pm sharp because we will not get much time before it gets dark. Just a final quick team practice before the game vs Terry Orange next Monday. Try not to be late, OK?

PS: It will be a bit cold. Be prepared!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday v Titans

Guys, I will not be with you tonight. BUT, I will be be with you after this. So, please listen to Coach Benjie and play the way you know you can, OK?

And remember this: those guys wearing blue tonight are not your enemies. They are another football team that plays the same as you. Treat them with respect. Play hard, play tough, play fast.... but NO LATE HITS OR TRASH TALK! If you hit somebody hard, then pick them up and pat them on the helmet. And win or lose, you meet them after the game with respect.

You are getting ready for the playoffs. I've told you before that it doesn't matter whether you win all of your games in the regular season if you lose your first playoff game. You are still the best team in Clinton. Just go out there and play like you intend to play for the playoffs. You will be amazed.

I love you all and will see you very soon!!!